Florida Division on Career Development & Transition

Presenter Information
Welcome, Presenters!
This page is your go-to resource for everything you need to prepare to present at the 2025 FLDCDT Visions Conference. Below, you'll find essential details, including the date and time of the Presenter Session and the official presentation slides. Be sure to review this information carefully to ensure a smooth and impactful presentation experience.
Lead Presenter Information Session
11:00am - 12:00 pm EST
Zoom Link: https://nefec.zoom.us/j/81341823845
All lead presenters are asked to attend the Presenter Session. The Presenter Session will provide an overview of the FLDCDT Visions Conference Presenter expectations and provide important details to help you prepare for your upcoming session!
We understand not all lead presenters may be able to attend the March 26 Presenter Session and ask anyone that is unable to attend to view the recording that will be sent out afterward.